

  LIVE MAP OF LOGGERHEADS  LOCATIONS Send Questions to Map of 28 Cohort II Loggerhead Trejectories 17 Legacy Journal Publications That Form the Foundation For The STRETCH Project 7/25/2024 Three of our juvenile loggerheads are equipped with special satellite tags from Wildlife Computers that log and transmit various behavioral parameters (time at temperature, time at depth, maximum dive depth and dive duration).  Below are three sets of graphs showing water temperature preferences and percent of time spent at various depth bins.  If you have any questions, please send a note to                    MOANA KAI  EHNAALLY PERICU 7/24/2024 It has been 10 days since our last posting and 17 days since the juvenile loggerheads were released into the north central Pacific Ocean.  As expected, they have all moved northward and remain in waters that are 16 to 18 degrees centigrade.  Below is a series of three screen shots showing the

Latest Updates on the STRETCH Project

Send Questions to Current Map of 23 Loggerheads Trejectories 17 Legacy Journal Publications That Form the Foundation For The STRETCH Project Kochi University Loggerhead Tracking Project    Above is a recently posted video of the release of the 25 juvenile loggerheads into the central northeast Pacific Ocean on July 11, 2023. Above is a Japanese language version of the release of the 25 juvenile loggerheads into the central northeast Pacific Ocean on July 11, 2023. Above is a Spanish language version of the release of the 25 juvenile loggerheads into the central northeast Pacific Ocean on July 11, 2023. Above is a video of the loading of the 25 juvenile loggerhead turtles onto the Galaxy Ace for eventual transport to the central northeast Pacific Ocean where they will be released. 5/10/2024 It has been a while since we have posted anything.  The first cohort of juvenile loggerheads has stopped transmitting because of low battery power and we are now in the pr