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Send Questions to Current Map of 23 Loggerheads Trejectories 17 Legacy Journal Publications That Form the Foundation For The STRETCH Project Kochi University Loggerhead Tracking Project Above is a recently posted video of the release of the 25 juvenile loggerheads into the central northeast Pacific Ocean on July 11, 2023. Above is a Japanese language version of the release of the 25 juvenile loggerheads into the central northeast Pacific Ocean on July 11, 2023. Above is a Spanish language version of the release of the 25 juvenile loggerheads into the central northeast Pacific Ocean on July 11, 2023. Above is a video of the loading of the 25 juvenile loggerhead turtles onto the Galaxy Ace for eventual transport to the central northeast Pacific Ocean where they will be released. 5/10/2024 It has been a while since we have posted anything. The first cohort of juvenile loggerheads has stopped transmitting because of low battery power ...